• (+974) 55369675 / 44502172
  • Sunday 28th of Apr 2024 /
  • (+974) 55369675 / 44502172


All students are required to wear the school uniform.

Ensuring that students are wearing the proper uniform in class is the parents’ responsibility. Students who arrive at school incorrectly dressed may be asked to make arrangements to obtain the correct uniform before entry to lessons. Persistent disregard of the EMS Dress Code will result in disciplinary action.




Compulsory for all students unless there is a longstanding medical problem verified by appropriate doctor’s documentation. Students are expected to wear the correct uniform for Physical Education lessons. This must include the following:


Parents are strongly encouraged to mark their child’s clothing with his/her name or initial so that “lost” items can be more easily identified and returned. Unclaimed “lost” items are disposed of at the end of each term.