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  • Sunday 19th of May 2024 /
  • (+974) 44883806 / 44883816


EMS Student Leadership Council

The EMS Student Leadership Council has been setup to ensure that all students at our school have a voice on how our school is run and the affairs of the school campus.  The student council works in partnership with the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) staff and students for the benefits of the school.

The main role of the Student Council is to promote the interests of the school, the involvement of the students and will have flexibility in setting its own agenda.  Student Council is responsible for clear communications between students, teachers, SLT and the school. Student Council is also responsible for the following, but not limited to:

  • Clear communication
  • Student Voice
  • Promote the EMS Vision and Mission
  • Reflect the Cambridge Learners Profiles
  • Promote a healthy and positive environment for all students
  • Oversee the planning and organisation of school events


The Student Leadership Council will consist of the following:

The President (Head Boy / Head Girl) x1

Vice President (Head Boy / Head Girl) x1


Secretary x1


Communications Leader x1

Community & Wellbeing x1

Academic & MUN x1

Events & Logistics x1

21C & IT x1


House Captain x8


House Leaders KS4 x4

House Leaders KS3 x4



The composition of a Student Council and the procedures for electing members will generally depend on the size of the school. It is highly recommended that every council should achieve an equal and appropriate gender balance. Elections are needed to decide who will be the leaders of the student body. Those who are elected are referred to as the Student Leadership Committee. The elections need to be held so the executive can claim legitimately to represent the student community. The management is responsible to ensure the elections are free, fair and across the campus. It is important that students understand the voting system to be used and it is advisable to raise any specific questions with management before the elections are held. 

While the Student Leadership Council members all have a part to play in the activities of the Council, not all can or need to be involved in organising the work. It is for this reason that the Council should appoint officers. It may also decide to establish subcommittees. The EMS Student Leadership Council will appoint a President, a Treasurer and a Secretary. 



Rather than trying to plan and organise every activity during the year, a Student Council may find that it is more effective to use subcommittees to plan and oversee specific Council activities.  Subcommittees should be required to submit their plan to the Council for approval and should report back to the Council on their activities. One area where a subcommittee might be useful is a fundraising subcommittee. It is a matter for the Council to decide how many members of the Council will sit on a subcommittee and the Council may choose to dissolve a subcommittee at any time. The Student Leadership Councils constitution should provide a clear framework for the operation of subcommittees for assisting the Chairperson, and when the Chairperson is absent from a meeting they assumes the role of the Chairperson for that meeting.

The EMS Student Leadership Council may wish to appoint a Public Relations or Communications Officer with responsibility for promoting good communications between the Council and the student body as well as consulting with management on issues affecting the student body.

The student body may also choose to have departmental representatives and the council would be made of these representatives.  Regular, effective communication is the key to success for any Student Council. This doesn’t happen by itself and it is a good idea to develop ways of keeping the school community informed of and involved in the various activities planned by the Student Council. Some examples include:

  • producing a student newsletter
  • providing updates to the Management, Principal, staff and students on the Student Council’s activities and plans
  • keeping a student notice-board in the school where information on the Council’s activities is posted
  • announcing upcoming events at assembly
  • providing an end of year report to the Management.

The Student Council represents all students at EMS. It is very important that students receive regular information on the plans and activities of the Student Leadership Council and that as many students as possible participate in events organised by the Student Leadership Council. If a member is representing a department, then they have a special responsibility to the department or House which elected him/her, and should ensure that their views are brought to the attention of the Student Leadership Council and that they remain fully informed of the Council’s activities.

Regular communication between the Student Leadership Council and school management and staff will provide the basis for building a good and lasting relationship at EMS, based on trust and respect, between students and the rest of the school community. Much can be achieved where all members of the school community work together towards common goals, and good communication is vital if a common understanding is to be reached on what those goals are, and how best to achieve them.

Good communication doesn’t simply mean keeping the management, teaching staff informed of planned activities; it also involves seeking their views and suggestions. It means sharing ideas with the management and staff listening to their suggestions and making sure that all sections of the institution understand the purpose and goals of the Student Leadership Council.


The Student Leadership Council and the Management

Encouragement and assistance in the establishment of our Student Leadership Council  can be provided in various ways, for example, by providing information and/or guidance on the role and potential benefits of Student Leadership Councils, providing a space for students to meet to organise the establishment of theCouncil, facilitating the running of fair and impartial elections across the student body.  SLT will always give active support to it the running of all meetings.

The establishment of a Council is not an end in itself, but rather offers all concerned an enhanced means of building partnership and effective communications within the school. It is important to stress the need for Management not only to listen to the Student Council but also to respond in a meaningful way to its concerns.


The Student Leadership Council and the Principal

The role of the school Principal is of central importance in the establishment and operation of a EMS Student Leadership Council. In assisting the Board of Management in the development of school policy, and in working with students and staff to implement it at day-to-day level, the Principal is centrally placed in all aspects of the school’s operations.


The Student Council and Teachers

Developing a spirit of partnership and co-operation between a Student Council and staff has benefits for both. The Student Council can play an important role in recognising the work of staff.

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